MyHouseDeals Blog

Am I nuts!?!

Hello again fellow investor!

Last summer, my entrepreneurs group won a contest. For the prize, we had a choice between some R&R in the Grand Cayman Islands or some skiing in Winter Park, Colorado. Seeing that it had been sizzling hot outside for a few weeks in a row, I was dying for some cooler weather, so I (and everyone else) chose Winter Park.

Fast forward to today. This winter has been one of the coldest on record and we just got back from an even colder destination. We froze our butts off in Winter Park! Oh how we longed to sink our toes into that warm Grand Cayman sand. Looking back, my friends and I must have been nuts!

Other than the cold weather, we had a FANTASTIC trip. I was so busy skiing, eating, drinking, and then skiing again that I didn’t take many pics. But I did manage to get a good one with a couple of my friends on the mountain top (I’m in the middle). There’s also a pic of us at dinner (I’m on left) and another of me in front of our cabin. Enjoy!…

Until next time, happy (and profitable) investing!

Doug Smith

Founder of

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