I hope you’ve been doing well. I’ve been “crazy busy” lately. Normally, being busy takes me outside of Texas and all over the U.S. But over the last couple of months, I’ve been firmly planted in the Lone Star State. That’s not such a bad thing seeing that we’ve had some great weather. But as the summer draws near and the heat picks up, I’ll almost certainly be looking to high tail it out of here! 🙂 Anyways, here are some pics of what I’ve been up to. Enjoy!
My parents and brother came to Houston to visit…
Me (left), my dad (center), and my brother (right) take Rocky for a walk. In classic Rocky fashion, he decides to be adventurous and go "off road."By brother spends most of the time pursuing his favorite hobby ... sleeping. (Yes, he's in there somewhere!)We swing by the Rodeo and play a couple of games on our way out. My brother wins a prize by making 3 basketball shots in a row. I pick up a baseball and proceed to hit the dummy batter in the head 3 times. (FYI: hitting the batter is not good.)
I’m part of Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), and there was a conference in Dallas that I recently attended…
The first speaker was former president George W. Bush. I can't say much about him here since everyone is so touchy about politics, but I will say that he and I made intense eye contact from just 30 feet away. That's a moment that neither he nor I will ever forget. Haha! (I know, crummy picture, but yes, it's him!)We take a tour of the Dallas Cowboys' new stadium. I touch Tony Romo's locker. I still haven't washed that hand! Haha. Just kidding!Me with the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. I had a piece of spinach in my teeth, but something tells me that's not what your'e looking at! 🙂
Drove up to Groesbeck, TX to attend a BBQ cook-off with my dad’s cousins…
In this pic, my second cousin drinks Lone Star beer and cooks beans. As you can probably guess, Groesbeck is a lot different than Houston. I think they lost all respect for this "city slicker" when I drove up in something other than a huge pickup truck and didn't know how to deep fry a catfish or hitch onto a trailer.My cousin gets first place out of 23 for his brisket. You can see him in the middle celebrating. This simple feat was enough to put him on the front page of the local newspaper.
In EO, there are small groups of 10 people called forums. My forum recently went to “bond” a ranch in Schulenburg, TX…
We took a break from our meetings to shoot skeet (clay pigeons). For fun, we competed to see who could shoot the most skeet in a row. Despite not having shot a gun in 8 years, I somehow managed to win by shooting 14 in a row. I used to be respected in this group. Now I'm feared. I prefer feared! Haha.
Rocky celebrated his 3rd birthday…
For his birthday, Rocky visited PetsMart where he sniffed food, other pets, and himself. In this pic, I let him choose his bag of treats. Big mistake. He selected "all of the above" and then gave me the evil eye when I bought just one bag. We've since patched things up. 🙂
Hope you enjoyed the pics. And until next time, happy (and profitable) investing!
Doug Smith
Real Estate Investor
Founder of MyHouseDeals.com
Posted on May 20, 2010
Author: Doug Smith
MyHouseDeals was founded in April of 2005 and has since provided information on thousands of bargain-priced properties with over $7 Billion in equity (and growing!) In addition to property lists, we help investors succeed by providing valuable tools, resources and education.
Most of the properties on MyHouseDeals are single-family houses. Many of these properties are wholesale deals, which are for sale by other investors. Others are motivated seller leads, which are for sale by homeowners who are often in a bad situation. These properties are typically discounted by far greater amounts than bank foreclosures.
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