Search Results for: rehab

Ever Wonder What a $90,000 Rehab Looks Like?

Hello again fellow real estate investor, It’s time for my weekly blog posting again! Today I’m sharing my latest rehab with you. And I’m sharing it because there are 2 interesting things about it… First, I paid a little over $90,000 to rehab it. And that was after I got good deal after good deal…

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How to Analyze and Buy a Property to Rehab, Part II

(If you haven’t read Part I yet, please scroll down and read it first.) During this time that you have the property under contract and you haven’t actually closed on it yet, have it inspected by a licensed inspector. And then you can also have your own contractor look at it in case he didn’t…

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How to Analyze and Buy a Property to Rehab, Part I

The other day, a new investor asked me, “What are the steps to buying a property to rehab?” I immediately let her know that there’s no simple answer to this. This is a huge subject that entire boot camps have been devoted to. But I decided to give a stab at answering her question. So…

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Local Real Estate Investor Meetings in September 2024

Networking is a real estate investor’s key to success! Through real estate investor meetings, you learn about deals, financing options, and often, you can even find your next deal. Check out these local real estate investor meetings for September in our top markets and start meeting other investors in your area. What meetings did we miss?…

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Local Real Estate Investor Meetings in August 2024

Networking is a real estate investor’s key to success! Through real estate investor meetings, you learn about deals, financing options, and often, you can even find your next deal. Check out these local real estate investor meetings for August in our top markets and start meeting other investors in your area. What meetings did we miss?…

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Local Real Estate Investor Meetings in June 2024

Networking is a real estate investor’s key to success! Through real estate investor meetings, you learn about deals, financing options, and often, you can even find your next deal. Check out these local real estate investor meetings for June in our top markets and start meeting other investors in your area. What meetings did we miss?…

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Houses in a neighborhood

Local Real Estate Investor Meetings in May 2024

Networking is a real estate investor’s key to success! Through real estate investor meetings, you learn about deals, financing options, and often, you can even find your next deal. Check out these local real estate investor meetings for May in our top markets and start meeting other investors in your area. What meetings did we miss?…

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Image of house on a laptop screen and another image of a house with blue and white designs.

Local Real Estate Investor Meetings in April 2024

Networking is a real estate investor’s key to success! Through real estate investor meetings, you learn about deals, financing options, and often, you can even find your next deal. Check out these local real estate investor meetings for April in our top markets and start meeting other investors in your area. What meetings did we miss?…

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model house on top of documents with a key and pen to the side

Local Real Estate Investor Meetings in February 2024

Networking is a real estate investor’s key to success! Through real estate investor meetings, you learn about deals, financing options, and often, you can even find your next deal. Check out these local real estate investor meetings for February in our top markets and start meeting other investors in your area. What meetings did we miss?…

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Local Real Estate Investor Meetings in January 2024

Networking is a real estate investor’s key to success! Through real estate investor meetings, you learn about deals, financing options, and often, you can even find your next deal. Check out these local real estate investor meetings for January in our top markets and start meeting other investors in your area. What meetings did we miss?…

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