Surfing the World and Real Estate Investing [FB Live AMA: Justin Wilmot]
Last week, we held a Facebook Live Ask-Me-Anything with special guest Justin Wilmot. We talked about Justin’s experience as an investor and how to increase productivity and free up your day for more real estate investing!
Justin has become a real estate powerhouse flipping hundreds of houses valued at over $100MM, he has helped thousands of students across the nation gain financial freedom and he was named the most noticeable real estate investor under 30 (at the time).
He is a lifestyle entrepreneur, a high-performance real estate coach, an educator, a former pro-amateur competitive surfer, world traveler, father of three, and husband to his beautiful high school sweetheart. He now owns three successful real estate investing companies allowing him to not only live his ideal lifestyle traveling the world surfing, but to help others achieve their ideal lifestyle as well.
If you missed our session with Justin, you can view the Facebook Live post here or play the video below:
Summary of our real estate investing discussion
Below, we’ve included the main questions we asked Justin during our conversation so that you can skip to the parts you’re most interested in learning about…
5:41 You’re flipping, wholesaling, running three different businesses and hosting a podcast with a wife and three kids at home. How do you juggle all that and still live the lifestyle you want?
7:43 In your coaching, how do you structure your students to succeed?
9:00 How did you start in the business and why did you choose real estate to begin with?
13:27 Do you have a mentor?
16:47 What specifically drew you to real estate? Did you have friends that were already investing?

21:25 How did you decide to commit the time and money on real estate courses?
26:44 When you went back to wholesaling after flipping, did you feel like maybe you were taking a step backwards?
30:56 Do you only focus on single family homes?
32:01 What advice do you have for beginner wholesalers?
33:55 Can you give us some tips for how to choose which market to invest?
35:46 How do you identify the landlords/buyers in specific neighborhoods to sell to?
37:49 What is virtual wholesaling and how do you get started in it?
41:41 Can you to talk a bit about the technology that you use as a virtual wholesaler? What kind of infrastructure do you need to make it work?

45:12 How do you engage with a seller without having to be there in person?
47:13 How do you position yourself to the seller? Are you up front about being a wholesaler since you won’t be the final buyer?
52:07 What are some red flags and green flags that you’ve come across when looking at potential partners?
55:34 Once you have your buyers list, do you send them a survey to identify what types of houses they are looking for?
1:01:16 What do you look for when signing up for a real estate course?
1:06:10 Would you recommend investors get their real estate license?
1:10:21 Can you talk to us about coaching your students on how to figure out their “why”?
1:12:56 How do you recommend people gain clarity with their goals?
1:20:42 How do you scale a wholesale business?
1:24:14 If you were talking to Justin from 11 years ago, what advice would you give him for getting started in real estate investing?
1:26:57 You’ve launched a podcast, you’re flipping and you’re wholesaling… what’s next for you?
1:29:02 If listeners/readers want to stay in touch to learn more from you, where should they go?
1:30:06 Can you give us a little preview of what to expect from your coaching program?