Real Estate, Social Media & an Investing Team [AMA: Peter Vekselman]
Are you wanting to launch your real estate investing career with the help of social media, but don’t know how to not waste your budget on marketing expenses?
In this Ask-Me-Anything you will get strategic advice that you can implement immediately into your investing business. You don’t want to miss out on this special guest…Peter Vekselman!
Peter is a serial entrepreneur who has been involved in many business ventures before committing fully to real estate. As a private lender, he has managed a portfolio of over $10 million.
He is now one of the top real estate investors in the Southeast. Peter has done over 3,500 real estate deals. Peter leads an army of real estate agents, negotiators, and marketers that dominate the southeastern real estate arena and actively invests in 15-30 deals every month.
He developed a unique curriculum for partnering with his students that he coaches and has a passion for always teaching. He has been involved in real estate as an investor, contractor, developer, and lender for more than a decade and crafted his business using strategic marketing initiatives.
We also talked about…
- Developing your negotiating skills so you get the best deals
- Using social media to build your investing business
- Peter’s unique coaching and partnership system
If you missed our session with Peter, you can view the Facebook Live post here or play the video below:
Summary of our real estate investing discussion
Below, we’ve included the main questions we asked Peter during our conversation so that you can skip to the parts you’re most interested in learning about…
2:34 Peter’s Profile
5:45 With all your business experience, what made you focus on real estate investing?
9:20 What kept you going when you didn’t meet success right away?
11:45 Did you have a particular strategy to get started in real estate?
15:47 How did you develop your negotiating skills?
20:21 When doing your first deal, what’s the best way to go about getting funding? Should you find the funding before looking for deals?
22:37 What type of funding did you use when first getting started?
23:16 What are some common mistakes you see new investors make?

28:11 What types of marketing have you seen work best for getting leads?
36:27 How do you use social media to develop leads?
43:13 How can the average investors add value to their social media presence?
47:41 Which social platforms are most effective for real estate investing?
53:20 How did you get started coaching investors?
55:20 How did your coaching system transform into what it’s become today?
59:15 Can you provide more specifics into how your partnership system works?
1:06:18 Tell us some interesting stories about your coaching partnerships?
1:10:30 How can an investor become one of your partners?
1:12:48 Is it better to build your team at the very beginning or jump right in and build your team as you go?

1:13:13 What’s the best way to estimate rehab costs and not get overcharged by contractors?
1:15:00 When selling an investment property, do you typically work with a Realtor?
1:15:15 Do bandit signs still work?
1:15:53 Do you utilize owner financing?
44:20 Motivating yourself to make big moves in investing
45:00 The 3 most important first steps when investing
48:20 How to find private lenders for deals
49:20 Important factors to qualifying for a hard money loan
1:16:38 In your opinion, how does the real estate market look in the near-term / long-term?
1:17:24 Do you need a set marketing budget when flipping houses?
1:18:10 How can a new investor know when it’s the right time to start investing?
1:19:30 Any hacks for selling a property fast and for the highest value?
1:20:45 If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself back when you were first getting started?
1:21:41 What’s next for your investing career?