Yellow Pages, Ninjas, and Money in Your Pocket
When is the last time you cracked open that fat yellow book?

That long?
I’m not surprised. Nowadays, everyone is going straight to the Internet and searching for things they need. Heck, many are using iPhones and Blackberries to find what they need by searching the net.
Did you know Search Engines are now the #1 Media Type consumers are using to find local businesses? It’s true. That’s why I never get tired of telling you this: You must have a strong presence online if you want to succeed as a real estate investor! Period. No ifs or buts. It’s not a choice, it’s a must. All the real estate investors I know who dominate their markets are doing so by first conquering the web.
And because I want you to succeed, I asked one of these real estate investors to join me on a special webinar focusing exclusively on how you can use the Internet to maximize the number of leads you are receiving each day, how to increase the number of hungry buyers who come to you ready and qualified to buy properties, and how to multiply your profits by being able to buy and sell houses a lot more quickly using the internet.
The webinar happens this Thursday, October 22, at 5pm PT / 7pm CT / 8pm ET. And you cannot afford to miss it!
Click here to register for the free webinar. Only a limited number of spots are available.
Jack Mize is known as the Real Estate Ninja. That’s because he is doing everything right. He developed an amazing, highly effective system for opening up what he calls “lead valves” on the Internet for free. This means that Jack is getting more motivated seller leads and qualified buyers than he can handle – at no cost to him! On the webinar, he will tell you how he and his students are buying and selling more houses than ever.
And for little to no money spent on advertising!
Those tiny little yellow page ads STILL cost a fortune! It’s almost ridiculous if you think about it. In fact, many “yellow page” companies are going out of business, looking for new things to sell. Ironically, most of them are now trying to sell “Internet” ads.
Out with the old, and in with the new!
Instead of paying out the nose for yellow page ads that really just do not work well anymore, how about making life much easier on yourself? How about getting no cost leads flowing into your real estate business?
I can’t wait until you find out more about it. I guarantee you a couple of AHA! moments on tomorrow’s webinar. But don’t forget to guarantee your spot. Click here now to register.
— Doug